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Is It Safe To Friend a Dead Guy on Facebook?
by Stephen Krupnick
"Krupnik combines his writing with illustrations to create a one-two punch that makes for a uniquely funny look at the digital age and how it affects our quality of life. Readers may disagree with his perspective, but it is hard to deny that digital devices are changing our lives in ways that may not be in our best interest."

Illustration 2.5

Illustration 2.16

Illustration 2.2

Illustration 2.5
When Help Is Not On The Way
by James Hubbard MD
It's the worst snowstorm you can remember. The ice-covered streets are abandoned. You hear a boom in the distance, and your computer screen goes blank. Darkness. A crash and another bang from inside the house. In the hallway, your husband sits on the floor, soaked in blood. You dial 911, and all you get is a busy signal. Would you know what to do next?

Book 03 Cover

Gorilla Effect

Gorilla Effect

Book 03 Cover
Leap & Learn Co. Ltd.
A start-up publishing company based in Seoul, South Korea was formed under the mother company of Play Study Co. Ltd. They produce materials that is used for the national curriculum textbooks as well as English Language Learning & Teaching.
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